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Nanny Rose's Sticks and Pulls: I HATE!

I have a problem with unwanted hair sometimes, especially if there is a stubborn regrowth on my legs. I try to keep my legs as smooth and soft as possible, so I always make sure to visit my favorite salon to ask for waxing services. I've been doing this for a year now, so it's safe to say I have tried almost every type of waxing: cold wax, hot wax, sugar wax and even that blue weird wax that take forever to pull away. I am naturally curious of the processes and how efficient salons are with waxing. I love the feeling of softness and complete smoothness afterward.

I wish they were my legs but no! :P

Aside from salon trips, I have also tried packaged waxes like the Strip It Natural Sugar Wax from; I've ordered a bunch of them together with my friends in the past. Because of my good experience with pre-packaged DIY wax, I tried Nanny Rose's Sticks and Pulls. It is available in selected Watson's stores and was priced almost the same with Strip It's smaller jars.

Sticks and Pulls, taken from

Mind that this post, as obvious from the title, is a rant. I absolutely did not like Nanny Rose' Sticks and Pulls AT ALL. It pretty much failed the moment I used it as a hot wax and did not deliver at all when I tried using it as a cold wax! SO MUCH FAIL I just couldn't believe it! And to think I really was looking forward to it too.

I wanted to love it since it's made from 50g of natural honey wax ingredient and had a 3 pcs of nice waxing cloth. BUT!!! The included "two wooden spatulas", as they'd like to call it to deceive us, are not at all what you would expect as a wooden spatula! They are stupid popsicle sticks. AND NOT EVEN THE STURDY KIND! Noooo... They gave me these brittle popsicle sticks in my package. These TWO broke one after the other when I tried to use it to stir cool the hot wax.

Also, THE PACKAGE DOES NOT TELL YOU HOW MANY MINUTES YOU POP IT IN THE MICROWAVE. WTF. Since I bought 3 of them, I got the first one and left it at a nominal 10 seconds, and when I opened the microwave, the wax was bubbling all over making a mess inside! I guess it was my fault that I FOLLOWED THE INSTRUCTIONS TO HEAT IT FOR 10 seconds?!?! IDK! Most of the wax was spilled inside my microwave, and it took so long to cool the remaining contents. Even after like 30-40 mins of cooling down, my finger was still hurting from testing and re-testing the temperature of the wax.

So I got another Sticks and Pulls package to use it as a cold wax and tried the almost impossible task of spreading it on a small area on my legs. Two popsicles broke. Those things are just trash, I tell you. Once I managed to do it, I covered the wax with the cloth and pulled it. Then I discovered that JUST A VERY SMALL AMOUNT of tiny hairs were stuck on the wax, and MOST OF THEM WERE STILL ON MY LEG! I had to pull and re-pull just to remove them, and I thought Thank goodness this was not on any other part of my body, I would be grimacing so bad if I had to pull more than twice on any other sensitive body part!

Because of all these MAJOR FAIL from Sticks and Pulls wax, I got my third box and, along with the 2 other opened wax jars, I THREW THEM IMMEDIATELY IN THE TRASH CAN. That's why there are no photos that I took because I threw them away that's how disappointed I am. The company now can be very happy now that they have wasted my money. I wish I used it to buy my favorite face wash or something, I would have been more satisfied!

Never repurchasing!

Please note that this review was made by testing on my own skin and my own capacity for use of the product mentioned above. It is not the intention of this blog to encourage nor dissuade you to test this product for yourself, as I was not paid nor coerced to do any of the two. The words are a reflection of my own experience alone. You may or may not have the same experience as I did. I would like you to note that this isn't even what anyone would consider a proper review, since there is no objectivity to the view above, no PROs or CONs to compare, nor there was any extolling of virtues and limitations of this product.

I will be doing a more proper review soon, with the goal of being objective and fair. See you then!


  1. i liked it actually, the popsicle sticks aren't brittle, you must try the bigger packaging tho. 200g i must say.

  2. It did not work for me too..=(( I really regretted buying it because it was such a waste of money. I thought it would be the same effect as Epilin wax.. I learned my lesson..that is to stick with Epilin hair remover..Epilin is much much much better than this Sticks and Pulls.

  3. It did not work for me too..=(( I really regretted buying it because it was such a waste of money. I thought it would be the same effect as Epilin wax.. I learned my lesson..that is to stick with Epilin hair remover..Epilin is much much much better than this Sticks and Pulls.


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