I've been going on and on and on about Majolica Majorca lately. It seems it's the only thing that I want so so so much! Looking at the net (because we have no store here that sell it) is a huge thing, and I waste 10 minutes daily going to the Majolica Majorca site just to look at the cutest things in my world... Although I already have some of their products, I can't help but want more more more. I want 5 of each powder type, each shadow color, eye products... And now I want these! So very, very, very much... I'm NEVER EVER a blush person... I feel like my dark coloring isn't suited for blushes :( Plus, I don't even BLUSH anyway, so it would feel kind of unnatural. When I'm embarrassed, I don't flush or turn pink, I sweat like a pig instead. OH WHY CAN'T I BE DAINTY AND GIRLY?! :D Now I want to collect all the blushes from the Majolica Majorca line because I've heard amazing reviews about them. Especially OR211! I would love to get them all one ...